Elizabeth Collins
My name is Elizabeth Collins, though many know me as Libby, and I am a senior from Phoenix at the University of Pennsylvania studying Communications and Consumer Psychology. My passion for storytelling and advocacy has shaped my journey, from writing a feminist manifesto in 8th grade to co-founding Penn’s first student-centric news show, POV - Penn on Video. I've had the privilege of interning at the Pew Research Center, a Broadway production company in New York, and the Annenberg Public Policy Center, where I sharpened my skills in content production and narrative-driven communication while developing a commitment to accuracy and detail.
As co-chair of POV, I produce video segments that examine global and local issues through the lens of the Penn community. Whether through editorial work for The WALK Magazine, academic research, or video journalism, I aim to create stories that engage, provoke thought, and inspire meaningful conversations.
I’m eager to further hone my skills in video production and content creation, working with diverse teams to craft journalism that inspires accountability, informs future generations, and drives social change.